• Call For Papers

    CPSAT 2024

    The 2024 International Symposium on Cyber-Physical Systems (Applications and Theory) (CPSAT 2024), aims at bringing researchers in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), embedded and real-time systems, Internet-of-Things (IoT), and related research areas, from both industry and academia. This event was held nationally from 1995 to 2014. Starting from 2015 (visit http://cpssi.ir/rtest) CPSAT (formerly RTEST) became a successful international symposium. CPSAT 2024 will be held on October 16-17, at Institute for Research in Fundamental Science (IPM), Tehran, Iran.

    PLEASE NOTE: CPSAT 2024 solicits original papers that have not been published or submitted for publications elsewhere. Extended versions of accepted papers will also be considered for publications in Scientia Iranica Transactions on Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Submissions may include all theoretical and application oriented areas, reporting modeling, design, analysis, implementation, evaluation and empirical experiments related to CPS, embedded systems, real-time systems, and IoT, including (but not limited to) the following tracks:

    • Track A) CPS Design and Analysis
      • Design, Implementation and Analysis of Digital Systems in CPS
        • Hardware architectures, memory hierarchies, FPGAs, CPU/GPUs and AI accelerators
        • System-level design, design space exploration, synthesis, co-design techniques
        • Human-machine interactions, sensors and actuators
        • Foundations of CPS/IoT, design models, simulation/emulation for CPS/IoT
        • Emerging embedded systems
      • Embedded Software/Hardware
        • Embedded and real-time operating systems
        • Hypervisors and runtime frameworks
        • Specification languages, requirements, compilers and tools
        • Middleware and firmware, Bioinformatic embedded applications
        • Autonomous computing in CPS
      • Optimization, Control and Resource Planning in CPS
        • WCET analysis
        • Scheduling and resource allocation
        • Energy and temperature management
        • System-level optimization and control
        • Performance analysis of CPS/IoT
    • Track B) Distributed/Dependable CPS
      • Communications and Protocols in CPS
        • CPS/IoT communications, infrastructure and network applications
        • Networked/distributed real-time/embedded systems, sensor networks
        • Mobile CPS applications, connected vehicles
        • Time-sensitive applications and networks
        • Cloud, edge, and fog computing
        • Blockchain, consensus algorithms in CPS
      • Verification and Validation of CPS
        • Safety and resilience in CPS/IoT
        • Dependable CPS design
        • Cyber security, privacy and trust in CPS, encryption/decryption techniques
      • CPS Applications and Frameworks
        • CPS/IoT applications in power and control systems, grid computing
        • Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMI) and benchmarking
        • Software platforms, simulators, and emulators for CPS/IoT
        • Intelligent transportation, energy, healthcare, aerospace, smart city and smart grid
        • Industry 4.0, digitalization, industry best practices
    • Track C) Artificial Intelligence in CPS
      • AI Applications in CPS
        • Theory/Applications of machine learning, real-time AI, NLP, explainable AI, neuromorphic computing, evolutionary computing in CPS
      • CPS for Smart Processing
        • Application of CPS in computer vision and image understanding, hybrid intelligent systems, knowledge-based systems, knowledge representation, robotics and automation